Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

These are the most commonly asked questions we get about the Kings Symphony Orchestra. More will be added as needed.

Can I play in the Kings Symphony Orchestra?

We welcome all levels of players (from students to professional musicians) to join us as space permits. You must have your own instrument and be able to attend all rehearsals and the actual concert. If you would like to volunteer to play with the symphony, please contact us.

How can I get concert tickets?

At this time, tickets are sold at the door for all concerts.

How can I help the Kings Symphony Orchestra?

The symphony has been in existence for over 50 seasons because of support from the community. There are many ways to help us!

  • Tell a friend about us. We’ve found that word of mouth is the best way to publicize in the Central Valley.
  • Attend a concert.
  • Become a contributor or concert sponsor.
  • Attend our annual fundraiser dinner.
  • Volunteer to be on our Symphony Board or help out at concerts.

Please contact our Board President Emily Navarre for more information.

What’s AB 5?

AB 5 went into effect in California on January 1, 2020. Known as the “gig worker law,” AB 5 affects workers from many industries, including musicians. Read this interview with our Conductor, Jeff Fritz, to see how AB 5 affects the Kings Symphony Orchestra.